May 26, 2022
Andrey Scherbak of HSE St. Petersburg discusses how changes in diet are often a predictor of democratic reform, and the surprising role lactose tolerance played in democratizing Europe.
You can read Andrey's paper and the data he used to support his conclusion here: A Recipe for Democracy? The Spread of the European...
May 19, 2022
Carey King of the Energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin discusses how the last 70 years of economic and population growth have been fueled by the transition to petroleum, how a decreasing supply of it has increased political polarization, and what the future might hold as supplies continue to...
May 12, 2022
The Data Monk rejoins YDHTY after a long hiatus to explain how the current debt driven model of global trade fuels consumption at the expense of future growth.
May 5, 2022
A recently leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision indicates the court might plan to overturn Roe v Wade has added heat to an already contentious issue. While the abortion debate seems to be a war between two intractable sides, a large group of Americans stand in the middle who are both uncomfortable with the practice...