Apr 28, 2022
The Saudi government made headlines in March by hinting they might take payment for oil in China's currency, the yuan, breaking with a long history of buying and selling oil exclusively in USD. In this episode, Dan speaks with world renowned energy expert, Anas Alhajji, and learns why this is unlikely to happen...
Apr 21, 2022
Macro-commentator, author, and PhD in Cosmology (not kidding), Bob Swarup, explains how the US built an economic empire around the dollar, how the last imperial era ended in two World Wars, and how the current trend of deglobalization could land us back in the same spot.
Bob's book "Money Mania: Booms, Panics, and Busts...
Apr 14, 2022
In last week's episode, we discussed China's ambition to replace the dollar as the world's global currency. In this episode, Benjamin J. Cohen of UCSB takes the conversation a step further as we discuss how the US became the dominant international currency, why China would need to implement democractic reforms to take...
Apr 7, 2022
Recording (at least some of it!) from San Juan, Puerto Rico this week, You Don't Have to Yell is the home for the politically homeless, and a haven for anyone that sees politics in colors other than red and blue.
Following up on last week's PetroDollar primer, we're jumping right into the thick of it. China recently...