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You Don't Have to Yell

Sep 30, 2021

Historian Ken Hughes of UVA's Miller Center discusses what America's response to the withdrawals from Vietnam and Afghanistan says about the politics of war and how they incentivize presidents to stay in forever wars, rather than be blamed for losing one.

Sep 23, 2021

Benari Poulten arrived at Kandahar Air Force Base shortly after the killing of Osama bin Laden. In this episode, he describes the frustrations of fighting in America's longest war, returning home to a nation that seemed to forget it was going on, and finding purpose through sacrifice and service.

Sep 16, 2021

Arjun Moorthy of The Factual shares a recent poll on the teaching of critical race theory in public schools. In this episode, we explore the nuanced stances on the subject that don't make it to the top of your social media feed.

Sep 9, 2021

Amna Khalid of Carleton College discusses growing up in a country where freedom of speech was restricted, how she saw similar efforts to shut down certain types of thought upon arriving in America, and how our biggest mistake is teaching our children what to think, rather than how to think.

Sep 2, 2021

Jean Beaman of UC Santa Barbara discusses what, exactly, is Critical Race Theory, why it elicits such an emotional response, and how the open discussion of the flaws in America's history and those who founded it can reveal a path for modern-day Americans to build a more just society.